Mimosas and Climate Change - June 5, 2019 Meeting
At this meeting John Truscinski, the new Director of Resilience Planning at CIRCA, gave a brief update on upcoming efforts lead by the team at CIRCA.
We also welcomed Jason Dunion, from NOAA, who gave a hurricane-centric talk that spanned from the very early days of hurricane hunting and forecasting to highlights of our current state-of-the-art understanding/ technology/prediction capabilities with a focus on what we might expect to see in a world of climate change.
About the Speakers

John Truscinski recently worked with The Nature Conservancy as their Coastal Resilience Manager in New Jersey, leading TNC’s state-wide efforts to incorporate ecosystem based climate adaptation strategies into coastal community planning efforts. In this role he worked directly with state agency staff and municipal leaders along the Jersey Shore. At CIRCA, he will be managing activities associated with development of the Connecticut Coastal Resilience Plan. John holds a Master’s degree in Sustainability Management from Columbia University’s Earth Instiute where he focused on methods of urban coastal adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

Jason Dunion is a meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Hurricane Research Division in Miami, Florida.He specializes in satellite remote sensing of hurricanes and has led the development of several new satellite products for monitoring tropical cyclones and Saharan dust storms. He has acted as chief scientist on several Hurricane Hunter research missions using NOAA’s high altitude and has flown on over 25 hurricane hunter flights during his six years working with the NOAA Hurricane Research Division.