Remediation Standards Regulations 2019–20: Changes in the works and what we can expect
At this month's meeting, Ray Frigon from the Remediation Division of CTDEEP, gave updates on the program as many changes are coming for Connecticut businesses, including:
Remediation Division staff attrition,
Initiatives for internal efficiency and improved customer service,
Update on RSR Wave 2 proposed legislative amendments, and
Property Transfer Act Compliance Project.
About the Presenter
Ray Frigon has 27 years of service at CT DEEP, including 23 years within the Remediation Division. After getting his B.S. in Environmental Earth Sciences from Eastern Connecticut State University, and working as a chemist at an environmental laboratory, Ray joined the Remediation Division as an Environmental Analyst 1 in 1991. In 2014, Ray was promoted to supervisor of the Site Operations Group where he and his staff were tasked with overseeing the maintenance and operation of five former CRRA landfills, and investigation and cleanup of orphaned sites. In October of 2016 as part of a Division reorganization, Ray added the supervision of the State Dams Program to his landfill management responsibilities.